Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July 4th!

Fireworks are synonymous with the 4th of July. You just cannot celebrate without some bbq, beer, and sparklers. As a kid in Texas I remember being able to light firecrackers right outside in your backyard or in the street. There were firework stands everywhere when you got to the outskirts of town. My large Mexican family would get together and buy enough fireworks to entertain us for a couple hours. It'll always be one of my fondest memories. Even today my inner child comes out at the prospect of lighting fireworks. Do you remember your favorites?

Because of house fires, dense city dwelling, and drought, eventually most cities have banned fireworks in the state of Texas. In more rural areas its still allowed, or for old times sake we might break the rule for a few minutes with sparkles in one hand and a water hose in the other. Below are some pictures I took this weekend.

©2011. Jessica Ramirez.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cruising Together

So lately I've really gotten into bicycles. I'd like to say that it's because I want to live a greener lifestyle or because I'm trying to get in shape, or that I'd like to help America rely less on foreign oil, but really its because they're just so damn cute and stylish. Honestly I don't really know very much about bikes so I'm not sure what type of bike would be most practical for my lifestyle. I'm leaning towards the cruisers, but then I don't live near a beach. I could always move right? Below are just a few bikes I'm swooning over. Anything in orange and mint green and I'm sold.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

Last night North Texas had its first ice storm of the season. Parking lots and streets are now ice skating rinks. Luckily schools and most businesses closed for the day so that everyone can stay warm and safe inside. It's one of the coldest days/nights I can remember in recent history and it should be even colder tomorrow! According to "It's been 15 years since air this cold has impacted North Texas and the coldest week in 22 years." And just in time for the Super Bowl! Below are some beautiful wintry photos from various artists on

"First Snow" by Lucy Snowe Photography

"Old Man Winter Was Here" by Raceytay

"Woodland Caribou" by Irene Suchocki

"Snow Squall" by Raceytay

"Winter Long" by Catherine Nunnally

"Winter Sparkles" by Amanda Keaton

Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Humor

An awesome venn diagram poster by Colin Harman that I found via ffffound. This was pretty much the first lesson I learned in design right out of school working in the 'real' world.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

So I know I'm a little late on the post, but I still wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope you had an awesome holiday and got everything you wanted from Santa. I know I did. Cheers. Below are this year's Christmas cards I designed in my free time. Enjoy.

© 2010. Jessica Ramirez. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pottery Portfolio: Fall 2010 Part 1

During the day I'm a graphic designer for a national scrapbooking company. After work I'm a life long ceramic student at Collin College. Growing up, I had always been interested in pottery but never found the time to fit it into my schedule during college. So about a year after I graduated I decided better late than never and signed up for a class at the local community college. It was only intended to be a one time deal—or at the most a couple semesters, but five years later I'm still taking the class. Somewhere along the way it turned into one of my biggest passions and a wonderful creative outlet. It's a fantasy of mine to one day have my own ceramics studio where I can continue my creative explorations (and maybe make a buck or two.) A girl can dream right? Here are a few of the pieces I've worked on this past fall. More to come as I get work photographed.

© 2010. Jessica Ramirez

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Food Couture

I have a strange interest in food as clothing. Here are some really amazing examples. Edible Dresses

Spring Onion Puff Sleeve Dress

White Radish Dress
photos by

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Land of the Free?

In honor of one of the busiest travel days of the year and the current controversy over the new "naked" scanners at airports, I'm posting this awesome t-shirt I found on Threadless. Even if you're for or against them I feel this sums up most peoples' sentiments on the issue. What better way to make a statement than to wear it? Even perhaps as you're walking through those fancy new scanners. Safe travels everyone!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Out of Print Clothing

I am a huge advocate of reading, and I also love book design so its no surprise that I think these t-shirts from Out of Print clothing are pretty awesome. They're walking advertisements for classic novels, and great but often overlooked design. Maybe they'll inspire someone to turn off the tv and pick up a book. Also, for each t-shirt sold, one book is donated to a community in need.